Food for the journey; drink for the way.
You've given us everything we need for the day.
Power within us from Your Spirit above.
Now You command us to go forth in love.
Your Body and Blood are food for the soul;
We eat and we drink as You make us whole.
Back to the streets!
You send us proclaiming peace.
You've picked us up, cared for us
Nourished us, healed us
Now it's back to the streets.
We've shared at Your table, a banquet divine.
You've poured out Your love:
The Cross is the sign
And now You command us: "Go do the same.
Bring healing and love to all in My name."
Lord, cut me loose!
All I want is to spread Your love.
Lord, send me out in Your name.
Whenever we gather here and tell of Your story,
We praise You Lord, til You come in glory.